Grace Bible Church

Grace Bible Church is committed to Reformed Theology, the doctrines of the sovereign grace of God, and Biblical exposition

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Our Beliefs

The theology of the Protestant Reformation is foundational to our core beliefs. In particular, Grace Alone (Sola Gratia), Christ Alone (Solus Christus), Faith Alone (Sola Fide), Scripture Alone (Sola Scriptura), and to God Alone be the Glory (Soli Deo Gloria). 

It is this system of historic orthodoxy that exalts the glory & holiness of God, and makes man utterly dependent upon the grace of God. 

We meet God in His Word and in His Sacraments. There is a Customer of one–and we come to please Him.

The purpose of our community of faith is to glorify God and to present every man complete in Christ.

Grace Bible Church is composed of those who come together to visibly express their invisible union with Christ.

This is evidenced by:

As a Reaffirmation of the Reformed Faith, Grace Bible Church also holds to the Canons of Dort of 1619

Total Depravity

As a consequence of the Fall of Man, we are enslaved to sin. We are not by nature inclined to serve God–We are inclined to reject his rule and serve our own interests. Because of this, the initiative to save rests with God.

Romans 3:10-12; Ephesians 2:1-3

Unconditional Election

In eternity past, God chose those on whom he would bestow the gift of salvation. This election was not based on anything within or without man, but solely on the sovereign good pleasure of the will of God. 

Romans 9:11 & 15-16; Ephesians 1:4-7

Limited Atonement

Christ died to pay the penalty for all of the sins, of all of the elect. It was an atonement of unlimited nature for God’s elect people. The redemption of the elect was entirely accomplished on the Cross. 

John 10:11 & 27-29; Revelation 5:9-10

Irresistible Grace

In sovereign power, the Spirit, over time, calls & summons the elect to come to Christ. The Spirit works in them in such a way that their resistance is overcome, and by sovereign power, they willingly come to Christ. 

John 6:44; Romans 8:28-30

Perseverance of the Saints

In the application of redemption, the Spirit enables the people of God, over time and in degree, to continue to be faithful. Because they are still fallen, they struggle with sin. Yet, because of Christ’s victory over sin and evil, their emergence from this struggle is certain. Because of the sanctifying ministry of the Spirit, they will persevere and overcome. 

Romans 15:5; Revelation 1:9

These doctrines are proclaimed in all Reformed churches as a unified system–they represent historic orthodoxy. It is important to recognize that the Church does not know who the elect are. Therefore, we are to boldly proclaim the Gospel to all, with the sure and certain hope that He is gathering His people by His power, and for His glory.